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First Lady

joelle meristal

 â€‹Joelle Meristal, or Lady J as she is affectionately called, is a dynamic preacher, Bible teacher, motivational speaker, mentor, social worker, mother, wife, but most importantly, a woman of God. Joelle was born to God-fearing Haitian parents, Rev. Noisette and Adeline St. Jean, and was taught the way of the Lord very early in life. As a Pastor’s daughter, she was very involved in church and held various positions such as Sunday School teacher, Youth President, and Young Women’s Leader. However, she did not receive the Lord as her precious Savior until the age of 18. Joelle loves to differentiate the difference from being in church and having a relationship with the Lord.
                At the age of 19, Joelle began to preach at local churches in Philadelphia, and after a very powerful sermon, Joelle asked the Lord, “Why are the people crying? Why are they so blessed?’ and she heard the audible voice of the Lord say, “Because you are chosen”. Ever since that service,  Joelle has been preaching the Word of God unashamed and have seen many miracles including deaf ears being opened, healings,  accurate prophecies, souls being saved, and lives being changed. Many have testified of the miracle working power of God that is manifested when Joelle ministers the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ.
               Joelle is a sought after speaker throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Chicago, and Florida. Together, she founded and pastors Rhema Life Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with the love of her life, Senior Pastor Francis Charles Meristal. The two believe that the Lord has joined them together for the purpose of building the Body of Christ and their relationship has been a blessing to countless couples. Together, they have a daughter, Joy Claire, and son, Nathan Charles.
               Joelle is a strong believer in education and is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a B.S. Degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Her education coupled with her ministerial training has prepared her for her role as the Family Pastor of Rhema Life Church. Joelle currently oversees the Women, Singles, Couples, and Children Ministries. Joelle is also a care manager in Burlington County working with families and youth that have special mental health and developmental needs. In 2017, Joelle founded the Ruth and Naomi Connection, a mentorship program designed for women who have greatness locked up inside of them but just like Ruth need a Naomi to help usher them to their next level. Joelle also hosts an annual Women’s Conference in Philadelphia, Pa. 

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